How to make Natural Soap?
According to Wellness Mama, conventional or cold soap making is also called cold working and involves mixing the soap mixture with the oil mixture and then pouring the combined mixture into insulated molds. Hot-working is different in that it adds another step of adding heat; heating the mixture speeds up the saponification process.
In addition, there is the melt and pour method, which is the only soap-making process that can dispense with the alkaline ingredient. Without alkali, saponification is impossible, so alkali is needed to make soap. Ingredients for base soap using heat treatment are lye, distilled water, refined oil of your choice.
Typically, you will insist on the oils you use for the bar of soap. This means adding extra oils at the end of the soap-making process that will float freely in your bars. These extra oils don’t mix with lye and make the difference between a bar of soap that cleanses and a bar of soap that cleanses and moisturizes.
The saponification process works by reacting animal fat or vegetable oil with sodium or potassium hydroxide (lye) to make soap. As I said above, soap making is essentially a chemical reaction between oil and lye, which in cold process soap is sodium hydroxide. To make soap completely from scratch (instead of dissolving and pouring a prepackaged soap base), you need lye, a caustic salt called sodium hydroxide. Distilled water is used in soap making to activate the base and disperse it in the oil.
Not only does this allow liquids and oils to mix (they don’t naturally mix, as you might remember from elementary school science class), but it also creates an action that makes the soap have cleansing properties.
But don’t worry, your soap is not safe – all the lye will be used up in the saponification process (the reaction between lye and fat that makes soap and makes lye safe to handle) and nothing will be left in the finished product. If you’re worried about working with lye, an easy way to make sure there’s no lye left in your finished soap is to use a little more fat than the amount that will definitely be reduced to zero by the saponification process. It’s important to make sure you’re using the correct amount of lye for the particular soap you’re making (more on that later), as different oils and fats require different ratios of lye.
You can make and customize your own soap without lye treatment by using pre-saponified pre-made soaps (in other words, lye has been treated). For people who want to make soap from scratch, making alkaline soap can be a good way to go because it allows people to choose their base oil. Making soap from scratch when using lye can be dangerous, so people need to take some precautions. You can also easily melt and pour soap at home without using lye, then weigh and mix the ingredients.
While the ingredient list for this homemade soap may seem a little intimidating, it still uses the melt and pours method so it’s not too crazy. It only takes 10 minutes to prepare, so you can assemble quickly. You can also convert it to natural bath bombs as well. It’s not as simple as some of the other recipes on this list, but it’s packed with natural ingredients that will make your skin look great.
This recipe is just one of the almost endless combinations and ratios of fat, lye, and other ingredients that can be used to make soap. Here are all the soap recipes currently posted on Garden Therapy – I’ve also broken them down based on the method I used to make them.
Handmade soaps are made from a variety of natural sources, such as vegetables and butter-rich in nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. These traditional soaps may contain ingredients you don’t want on your skin. Soaps based on a single oil, such as castile soap (olive oil), are rare because few oils alone make good soaps. Essential oils can be added to soaps for a natural scent, although a considerable amount, about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) per serving, is required for a noticeable and long-lasting scent.
If you want to make organic soap, you need to use organic soap-making products to make your oils, fats, oils, additives, and fragrances. However, making soap at home allows people to choose their own ingredients. You can combine various herbs, essential oils, and other ingredients to create different bars for different purposes. When you make your own soap, you use the ingredients of your choice along with your choice of fragrance oils, additives, and colors.
If you want to learn how to make natural soap for health and/or skin problems, you just need to find a soap recipe and use only organic soap products. If you don’t have the time or ingredients to make your own soap, you can also buy pre-made natural soaps and liquid soaps that fit your natural lifestyle. For a fun DIY project that also comes in handy around the home and promotes a green lifestyle, read our simple guide on how to make natural soap.
Make your own all-natural soap, then you have real control over which non-toxic ingredients are used. When I make natural soaps, I don’t like to use potentially toxic ingredients. Avoid most scented oils because they often contain an alcohol base (like di propylene glycol), and almost all forms of alcohol can cause soap mixtures to stick.
When it’s melted, weigh out the olive oil and castor oil and place them in a heatproof pot, bowl, or soap dish to mix. Melt the coconut oil and any solid oils in a bain-marie before adding them to the other oils in a large soap pan or mixing bowl. Once the oil is at 120-130 degrees Fahrenheit (49-54 degrees Celsius), place the hand blender in the direction of the slow cooker.