How To Care For Your Colored Contact Lenses
If, however, you wear colour contacts only on special occasions, a smaller bottle is better since after the contact lens solution is opened, it is good for only six months.
If you have to wear your colour contacts more regularly, such as two to three days in a row, take some time the night before you are scheduled to wear them to soak them in your lens cleaning solution and wipe them. Your colour contacts need to soak in your cleaning/care solution for at least six hours before you are allowed to wear them again. First, you need to clean the colour lenses with a suitable contact lens cleaning solution and keep them overnight.
Like standard contacts, you should get your coloured lenses from trusted sources, like your eye care practitioner. It is important to buy coloured contacts from FDA-approved sources and to care for both your lenses and your eyes properly.
Even if you do not need to have your vision corrected by contacts or prescription eyeglasses, you will need a specific prescription from your eye doctor in order to use coloured contacts. To ensure that the lenses are properly fitted and that your prescription is correct, visit an eye doctor regularly. You should visit your eye doctor to get an eye exam and to ensure that your lenses are fit properly.
You should use only contact lens solutions recommended by your eye care provider, and follow their specific instructions on caring for them. Follow your doctor’s directions, those of your contact lens maker, and those of your lens cleaning solution maker, for cleaning and storage of your lenses.
Store your lenses overnight in a sterile contact case filled with a new lens-cleaning solution. No matter which lens cleaning solution you purchase, use the rub-and-rinse method for cleaning.
To clean colour contact lenses, hold it in your palm, then put some lens solution into the palm. To clean a contact lens, place the lens in the palm of your hand, add a few drops of contact lens solution, and rub it lightly with your index finger. Pike up the coloured lens and rinse each side of it thoroughly with the all-purpose contact lens solution, spreading a bit of the solution over the top.
To clean the housing correctly, Vallin says to pour any contact lens solution from the housing, scrub with clean fingers, and rinse it off with a new solution. It is important that you use fresh solutions each time you put the lenses into the contact case; recycling is not a great idea, in this case.
If you have been keeping lenses in the case for long periods of time, check the instructions to find out whether you need to re-sanitize them before wearing them. At the end of every day, remove the coloured lenses, and clean and store them before you take off any makeup. If your coloured lenses are reusable, not disposable, you should clean them after every use.
These lenses have just a tint of colour so they are easier to see when you put and take them off. People who want more pop in their lighter-coloured eyes should look into Enhancement Tint lenses. While yellow-tinted lenses or sunglasses may block out blue light, they may also change how other colours appear while worn during the day.
Coloured and patterned contacts alter how your eyes look, while they may also help to correct your vision. Coloured or decorative contacts can be designed to appear as though you have a healthy pupil, and colours help create a more natural appearance. To prevent acquiring a dangerous eye infection, decorative contacts should be treated the same as prescribed contacts.
Take extra care to clean and store contacts properly to prevent acquiring dangerous eye infections. Make sure that you are not placing yourself at risk for an infection or damaging your eyes by handling contacts in the wrong way.
This includes cleaning and storing coloured contacts with the proper lens-care products, never sharing coloured contacts with another person, and seeing an eye doctor if you are experiencing any discomfort in your eyes.
These contact lenses will cause your natural eye colour to appear darker and more defined. For a natural-looking change, try light shades of brown, or honey-hued hazel. For a striking look, opt for lenses that are uncharacteristic of your complexion, like brown contact for pale skin and blonde hair, or blue contacts for olive skin.
Studies have found that wearing purple-to-red contacts over your dominant eye can improve the way you perceive colours. Colour contacts are available in a wide variety of strengths, so if you have perfect vision or need a lot of correction, you can alter your eye colour using contacts. This type of tinted contact lens LEn may highlight the colour red, making stop signs or stoplights, as well as alert signs, stand out.
While different sizes of tinted contacts exist that fit most users, there are going to be occasions (such as when blinking) where the coloured part of the lens may slip slightly above your pupil.
While sport-tinted contacts will not change your eye’s colour, they may reduce sunlight entering your eyes when you are outside. They are as safe as regular contacts, provided that you follow basic, important hygiene guidelines while putting, removing, replacing, and storing the contacts.